Non-Lethal Weapons Training Project COSTA RICA LAW ENFORCEMENT NON-LETHAL TRAINING PROJECT The need for professional training is very important. Some companies shop online and then sell paintball markers and paint balls with no qualified training. This happened in 2013 in the fraudulent sale to the Costa Rica prison system. IMGASAs goal is to bring to Costa Rica the same training as the US Department of Defense offered by Penn State University's Center for Community and Public Safety.
IMGASA has 5 years experience in the Costa Rica market and personnel with training back to an SFPD POST Certification in 1984. The strategic training partners of IMGASA set the standard recognized by the US Department of Defense. Evidence of the need for qualified training is in the 2013 US State Department Costa Rica Human Rights Report: The Tico Times has reported on this situation many times and as recently as February 28, 2014 T_T_Prison_Overcrowding.pdf and March 1, 2014
TIGERLIGHT® LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING The TigerLight® Training Course is used by many US Police and Sheriff's Departments and Branches of the US Armed Forces. As far back as 2006 Members of the US Air Force expressed a preference for the TigerLight® over the use of a baton. As an example, here is a link to the Fall 2006 Newsletter of the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate: The TigerLight® has been proven to have a 96 % rate of effectiveness in incapacitating aggressive suspects in a study by the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department. Here is the complete report:
LAW ENFORCEMENT ARMORER TRAINING Armorer training in the repair and maintenance of RAP4 non-lethal launchers is included with purchase.